AQA GCE A' Level Chemistry FREE
A' Level Chemistry Theory Course On-Line FREE.
The complete (AQA 2017) GCE A' Level Chemistry Theory Course including all aspects of Physical, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry (see below for information regarding practical endorsements and exam registration). Please note this course is under development and as such is free for the time being. Lessons will be posted as and when they are developed.
Teaching is broken down into 4 Units and each Unit broken down into a number of Topics:
* Atoms and Bonding (Units)
-Atomic Structure (Topics)
-Electron Configuration
-Gas Laws
-Chemical Formula
-Ionic/Metal/Covalent Bonding
-Physical Properties, Shape and Intermolecular Forces.
* Chemical Change
-Amount of Substance
-Balancing Chemical Equations
-Enthalpy Changes
-Born Haber Cycles*
-Kinetics/Collision Theory
-Reaction Rates
-Rate Equations*
-Chemical Equilibria*
Redox Reactions/Oxidation States
-Redox Potentials and Cells*
-Acids and Bases*
* Inorganic Chemistry
-Group 2
-Group 7
-Period 3 Elements and Oxides*
-Transition Metals*
* Organic Chemistry
-Introduction and Organic Nomenclature
-Bonding and Rearrangement of Electrons
-Optical Isomers*
-Organic Analysis
-Aldehydes and Ketones*
-Carboxylic Acids*
-Aromatic Compounds*
-Organic Synthesis*
-Amino Acids, Proteins and DNA*
It is possible to also undertake the AS Level examination using only the topics not marked with an asterix.* If you start the course in 2017/18 the earliest you can sit these exams will be May-June 2018.
Exam registration needs to be undertaken independently by students as "private candidates" at a UK exam centre (a list of these is available from AQA). This particular course is for sitting final A' Level exams in the summer of 2019. Small changes are made periodically to the Specification supplied by AQA. If you take longer than this to complete the course then it is your own responsibility to keep up to date with any changes made by AQA.
Practical aspects of the course. The current chemistry A' level is underpinned by practical science. Lab based components of the course will have to be undertaken independently by students at one of several UK centres that offer this service at extra cost. The practical course leading to practical endorsements needs to be complete before sitting the exams and knowledge of practical procedures will be expected during the exams (see AQA A' Level Chemistry Specification). These practical courses are expensive, costing roughly £1000.
It is possible to be awarded the A' Level without the practical endorsement, although for some universities this will not meet their entry requirements. It would be your own responsibility to check if this is the case by contacting the relevant universities. Additionally there is an expectation in the exams that students should be able to demonstrate their knowledge of practical chemistry. Therefore an additional practical course is strongly recommended.
Your Instructor
Dr Gerard Hobley (PhD, Organic Chemistry; BSc 1st Class Hons., Chemistry; PG Dip., Post Compulsory Education and Training; MRSC) is a highly skilled biological chemistry researcher with high levels of academic achievement and a number of publications. He has substantial work experience gained across a wide range of work areas. As an active Royal Society of Chemistry and American Chemical Society member and as a reviewer for Tetrahedron Letters he continues to make a valuable contribution to the scientific community. In 2013 he gained a teaching qualification from Bradford College and has since been working on an access to HE (science) course as a lecturer and at various other schools in and around NE Derbyshire and South Yorkshire. He has been delivering private tuition for A’ Level Chemistry since 2011 and currently runs a science education consultancy ( A List of peer reviewed publications in internationally renowned journals includes:
- “The synthesis of nucleoside models.” Tetrahedron, 59 (26), 4739, 2003.
- “Impact of 8-aryl and 8-heteroaryl-2’-deoxyguanosine derivatives on G-quadruplex formation.” Nucleic Acid Symposium Series, 51, 39, 2007.
- “The synthesis of 8-heteroaromatic-2-deoxyguanosine derivatives.”Synlett, 10, 1510, 2008.
- “Isostructural self-assembly of 2′-deoxyguanosine derivatives in aqueous and organic media.” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 130 (32), 10429, 2008.
- “Walking a supramolecular tightrope.” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131 (30), 10403, 2009.
- “Development of rationally designed DNA N6-adeninemethyltransferase inhibitors.” Bio-org. Med. Chem. Lett., 22, (9), 3079-3082, 2012.
- “Structural studies of supramolecular G-quadruplexes formed from 8-aryl-2’-deoxyguanosine derivatives.” Journal of Organic Chemistry, 81, 14, 6026, 2016.